Stir Crazy for Vintage Spring Shopping!

Stir Crazy for Vintage Spring Shopping!

I am not only completely ready for spring, but also to go "Vintage Spring Shopping"!
Flea Markets , shows, shops, diggi
ng, you name it I'm ready.
You don't think about it so much when on the west coast or warmer climates , but here it seems as though everything comes to a screeching halt in the winter when it comes to antique shopping.
Since we moved
to the Midwest , every March I am ready to
hit- the- road
Unfortunately now it is just a matter of finding the time with all of the kiddies activities going on, and my things going on. One day this week now that they are back in school, I am going to try to sneak away on a small "adventure", to some shops I have not been to yet.
I am also busy getting ready for my show season to start on April 20th at the Burlington Antique Market.
These are some pieces from my personal collection of Victorian silver plate. I collect names like James Dixon, Tufts, and some others. I love the handwork and the ornateness of the pieces from this era. Even if the silver is worn.

Someday I would love to go to the Marburger show in Texas.

I know that when the markets start here I will be appeased. There are no shortage of wonderful antique markets close by and within a 2 hour distance.
right now I am about ready to put something in hock and hop a plane to Paris to shop at the French Flea Markets!
(Husband might not find that amusing.)

Where are your favorite spring haunts for Vintage shopping?

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