Pink Birthday and Adventures in California

Her party with her friends will be next week at a cooking school where they will cook their own Princess dinner from scratch.

Today was just for us girls.
We concocted this fabulous cake together .

On another note ...

I found out when we returned from Florida that I would soon be leaving for an adventure on the side of the map to California. Not for a home visit this time, but I had been invited to do the Pasadena Bead and Design Show . So, I will be going on a little adventure across the country August 14-17.
Vintage Found Line :"Ladies Day Out"series

I will be in International Ball room 144. Come out and see me if you are in the area!
Right now I feel like I might advance from constant diet coke caffeine intake to an actual "energy drink" to keep me going between now and then, but I have the feeling it would make me sick and I don't have time to feel nauseated . Yes, I am chicken when it comes to things like that.