Day 7 and a Note of Love

"Make your own path, Create your own journey"
Today's face is a girl again, but her message is dedicated to my oldest son today. As I was finishing her this morning, my son called me, and said that is injuries have gotten worse, and he didn't know how much longer he could endure the program (Navy Seal Training). This training is brutal, and we knew these reoccurring  fractures in his legs were big trouble , in the way of him achieving his dreams. His heart tells him one thing , and his body is telling him something else. But, if one door closes , God opens another, and I believe that is the truth. My love is with him , and I hope that he finds his path that he feels is "making a difference" so he says. It will come, sometimes we just need to quiet our minds of all of the negative , and "listen" harder for where our paths truly  lie.

"Make your own path, Create your own journey"....

Ps: Changed the song list up a bit to Kermit. Sorry for those who don't like muppets , but I used to sing this to him as a baby, and the message is still true :)

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