What's Going On? Lots

Hi Friends,
What 's going on here in the studio ?
A whole fun, messy, lot!
It upcoming weeks I will be sharing a little bit of  everything. I know

 some of you only like metal, 
some dolls, some paint. 
Some of you like it ALL  like me !

Today I wanted to share ,
 that I like to take online classes for painting and drawing  from some of my very favorite artists that offer them.
 I get giddy when I find out some of them are offering new ones!
Sometimes unfortunately  , like everyone else , I don't get
a lot of my own "time " to really soak it in like I would wish to. 
But , I enjoy them immensely  just the same!
It is a brain release , soothing , freeing etc.
I have enjoyed Pam Carriker, Misty Mawn, Love, Love  Tam Laporte! Mickey from Secret Hermit, Mindy Lacefield , the list goes on and on. Many
 of these wonderful artists, have such a positive attitude , that just listening and watching them
is enough to clear my mind , and free my spirit, and inspire my soul,
even if I am working on something completely and totally different like metal ! lol

"Lose a Shoe , Change Your Path"

Here is where "process" enters in. 
And, this is what I wanted to share with you , as
I think it pertains any time you are learning anything new artistically  
in any medium . 
I watch .
I absorb.
I try and emulate the information I have gained. 
I practice. I practice. I practice....
In the end however, even though I may like the piece I create,
it feels a little foreign . 
 I love, and truly admire, the style of these artists.
Their work makes me smile in my heart all day
long !
Something they do obviously speaks to me, to my soul ,deep down.

When then , and only when ,does it feel right to me?
When I take many steps back...
 Take some elements of what I have learned
 from all of them, some methods ,some processes.

Embrace all of the positive and creative energy that
they have shared.
Embrace their love and enthusiasm for
both their own style of heart warmingly beautiful art,
and art in general. 
"Waiting For Love"

Free my mind of someone else's  specific "style" and ....

"Play Time" mixed media Pan Pastels and Encaustic

...just be me!
Sometimes it takes many pieces to get back to myself again . 
Hopefully , a better enriched self . 
but still me :)
Blessings to you,

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