YAY! Wax on Wednesdays #1, and Brand New Workshop!



 "Wax on Wednesday" !

I am so excited that you are joining me for the very first 
Wax on Wednesday of the summer. 
Each week I will be showing a small video of my encaustic work.
This is not meant to be a  workshop or tutorial ,
but I do give some tips, and show you  how I go about my encaustic painting, and hopefully you will be encouraged to give this awesome medium a go!
Some Wednesdays will be  abstract , stylized, scenic, photos etc. colorful, muted, depending on my
mood in the studio that week :)
This first one is a very basic landscape encaustic painting .
This is tiny 4x4 " masonite board, and can be completed in a couple of hours.
 Some encaustic paintings have many many layers and take days to complete.

Each layer has to be heat fused in between so that it will adhere to the layer underneath it.
This is the key to success !
Sometimes you will see me use a heat gun,
and sometimes a torch. Since this is a very tiny painting, and I am in the upstairs studio, I am just using  a small butane torch on this one.
(I'll get out the big guns on another Wednesday )

I have prepped the board with R and F encaustic gesso (love that stuff ). 
I used Shivas and oil pastels for color this week.
Sometimes painting directly with the paintisticks, sometimes with my fingers, and sometimes incorporating the oil color into the wax and using a brush.
This is a time lapsed video , sped up significantly so that I don't bore you to death :) , but so that you get an idea of how layers and textures of wax can be built up to add dimension.

Hope that you enjoy !

If the video didn't load for you on the blog (sometimes they don't if you receive it via email), you can see it
And Surprise!

Registration is up for 

Encaustic Art To Wear Online Workshop!

Get ready for a very full 6 weeks beginning Sept 1st, 2014!!!
Each week we will be creating  an entirely different focal piece.
 focals , vessels, beads,
all using metal and encaustics!
If you like painting  and want to create a jewelry piece of your work 
this is for you!
If you are looking for a whole new way to create focals, beads, and artful vessels  etc, in your metal jewelry 
designs , or looking for a new path in metal work
this is for you!
If you love mixed media art , exploring , and taking brand new paths,
this is for you!
If you are addicted to wax
this is most definitely for you!

Each week will feature quality high definition videos
with complete step by step instruction.
Supply and Resource downloadable Pdf lists will be sent out 
July 15. 

Early Bird Registration Special !
Now through July 15, 
After July 15 
limited space will be available, and one full registration for this one will be closed.
To register see my "online workshop page " 
Or, you can also register and see all of the details in my
Etsy store Primology
email me at shari.replogle5@gmail.com
with any questions
Blessings to you,


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