Wax on Wednesdays! The Beginning of an Encaustic Technique and Product Study

 I had another project for this week, but  Ms. Reagan who has been doing a lot of really fun and interesting things in her art class with various types of markers, proposed the question, "How do Sharpie Markers work with encaustic ? " I actually don't think I have  used them and was excited to give them a try. It also presented the  opportunity to share with you a little bit on how I at least begin a study with a new technique or product. 

A lot of times these are on going findings. A week , or even a month from now I may think of some other use or direction to take these in . Each discovery is recorded for future reference , and allows me to continue to research , play, and discover cumulatively over time. 

 The good , the bad, the ugly are all written down in hopes that I can learn from each experience with the technique or product. Each finding becomes important , even if it is a failure. I am learning "what can happen if..... " 

No fancy techniques today , but I hope that you enjoy the little peak into the beginning of my study process , and that you may find a little something useful in it to use for  your own creative discoveries :) 

List of Supplies I used this week:
Sharpie Markers
white encaustic medium 3-4 base coats
masonite hard boards
clay tools
black paint stick R and F brand
heat gun
Japanese rice papers

If you would like to see the video directly on the Youtube channel click 

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