We are home now from Jeffrey's Navy graduation . It was So cold, it was So windy, but we had an absolutely WONDERFUL time together with him as a family. It was about a 6 1/2 hour drive from us to Great Lakes IL base, and we brought Jeffrey's fiance Sara with us. Reagan and Sara found sailor hats for sale before the ceremony . They were both SO excited to get to see Jeffrey , as our only communication with him for all of this time has been through traditional mail (no electronics, and only 2 brief phone calls), and even then he could only write on Sundays. We caught the shuttle from the hotel at 6:45 am to make sure we got good seats!

After the ceremony we got to see Jeffrey very briefly, and then later that day he was allowed to have "liberty" with us until 9pm and the same every day for the rest of the weekend. Of course he gets up at about 4am, so he had everything done, and was ready to come with us by 6am every morning LOL. Luckily there was plenty to do in that area ,so that we could make sure we returned him to base in plenty of time every night. Ok, I almost didn't post any photos of me . Chicago and my hair just have never gotten along no matter what I do LOL. I need plaster of paris for this windy city! Oh well :) All of my boys together. Jeff (hubby) , Jeffrey, and Mason. We went to six flags on Saturday and did all of the coasters. (Well ok, THEY did all of the coasters, I did 2 ... and one of them was the kiddy coaster) This double decker carousel was much more my speed. It was 46 degrees, and windy, and rainy, but we did it all! I completely gave up on the hair thing by Sunday lol. We walked a few miles on the base accross the way from where Jeffrey had been at boot camp, to take him to the store there for some items , and to learn his way around the new base. After our incredibly blustery stroll (seriously , I thought we would have to anchor Reagan down :), we went to Gurnee Mills Mall and the Rain Forest Cafe for a wonderful lunch, before we had to take Jeffrey back and say goodbye. I will have some new things to show, and to tell you for "show and tell" on Monday.

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