Rainy Monday , Off my Workshbench with a Secret Fun Tip!

 Rainy , Rainy Monday .
Not so great for photos ,
but I am not going to complain at all
as it is supposedly going to hit 50 degrees  today.

This pair is fresh off the workbench. Some more of my little enameled house shaped doohickys
added to them.

I call them my dr. seuss  house shaped doohickys.
But, look at the  crimped copper in the back. This tickled me to death!
Shari, do you have this??:
Wonderful Microfold Break $149.00 as most of us  know you are a complete Rio Grande.com junkie?
No, my friends it is not. Let me tell you a secret now....
 It is an old scrapbooking paper crimper that I used one time on Reagan's birth announcements
(she's 11) lol .  It worked awsomely!
Mind you it will probably only work well on 28-30 ish gauges . I know I got it at Michaels a million
years ago. It does have metal rollers on it, even though the rest is plastic frame. So , I was
pretty sure it would work on a light gauge metal. Beats $149.00 
(for now anyway).  Of course afterwords I had to punch it ,hammer it,
patina ,and wax it a couple different ways . But ,you can see the crimps are in there.
  So, if you have one stuffed away in your supplies
long forgotten go try it!    

One more pair that I have actually had for a while , and haven't gotten
around to listing .  

The listing is up in the Etsy store for the pewter/tin for the "fly " workshop 
participants :)
6 more days to use the 10.00 off + 5.00 newsletter subscribers = 15.00 off
"Fly" workshop price!
The earrings will be up here in just a bit.